Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Steps to Buy Gems COC to be Free on Google Playstore

1. Install this application on your mobile phone, click here. Automatically to the playstore 
2. Then open the application
3. Click Log in on the top and use your facebook to enter.

4. Wait a few seconds until appears next to the imageafter emerging, input code AE30017 (copy and paste as drawn to open the first dollar in the account of $0.3.
Note: do not enter the wrong code! if wrong, you won't be able to get a dollar and not get a bonus for buy application or Gems COC.

5. Then click OK
6. Then do the task in this application to get more dollar.

7. If the balance was enough , you can exchange with gift cards to purchase apps play google paid at playstore

8. Then exchange your points with Gems COC

Easy isn't it????

May be useful. Good Luck. :)